Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Chasing your dreams

Hey guys,
today I would like to introduce you all, to one of the most difficult jobs of life i.e. chasing your dreams.

First of all, you should understand the meaning of the word 'dream'.
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam had once said that,"dreams are not the things that you see when you sleep, they are the ones which don't let you sleep."
 They are one of the most powerful desires, humans have ever evolved.

If dreams are followed, they can fetch you immense contentment and satisfaction, they can provide you joy to the moon and back.

Dreams have been responsible for some major creative and scientific discoveries in the course of human history.No longer dismissed by psychologists as random neuron firings or meaningless fantasies, dreams are now considered an ongoing thought process that just happens to occur while we are asleep.

Here are the dreams of some of the world's most prominent scientists, writers, musicians, mathematicians and inventors whose moments of dream insight went down on record.

    • The father of quantum mechanics, Niels Bohr, often spoke of the inspirational dream that led to his discovery of the structure of the atom.
    • In 1845, Howe invented the sewing machine based on a famous dream that helped him understand the mechanical penetration of the needle.
    • Einstein is famous for his genius insights into the nature of the universe - but what about his dreams?As it happens, he came to the extraordinary scientific achievement - discovering the principle of relativity - after having a vivid dream.
    • Otto Loewi was a German-born pharmacologist whose discovery of acetylcholine (ironically, a neurotransmitter which promotes dreaming) helped advance medical therapy.In 1921, Loewi dreamed of an experiment that would prove once and for all that transmission of nerve impulses was chemical -- not electrical.

    This examples are sufficient enough to help us understand the importance of the role of dreams in history of mankind.

    To achieve your life dreams, you must make sacrifices, stay committed, overcome challenges and work your plans.You will find as you set goals that are focused on God’s vision the more you will grow and accomplish.The process of writing your goals helps you clarify what you desire to do, understand the importance of pursuing them and commit yourself to making them happen.When you measure your goals progress, you stay on track, you see your target dates and experience the excitement of achievement that will propel you to reach your goals.When you commit yourself to your vision and express it in achievable goals, you provide yourself with the motivation of where you are going and how you anticipate getting there.

    “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving yorur goals.” Zig Zigla


    1. Great thought Shivam.. Nicely expressed with apt words.. Keep writing.. Stay focused.. Chase your Dreams..👍👍

      1. Thank you so much Sir. Your words are always inspiring and they always help me grow and nurture.And Yes I'll surely 'CHASE MY DREAMS'.
